Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Old-brawl: groom lagged

Dusseldorf --
Dressed up booze, more or less tasteless game to play - a typical bachelor party in the old town.
But for a bridegroom ended moist-happy celebration Tuesday before the Düsseldorf District Court.
With eight friends Managing Lukas K. (wanted to sprinkle 28) its entry into marriage. The Munster had this same T-shirts and straw hats, and were attracted getingelt through the old town. There, the groom had to deal with 20 tasks: From Selling Condoms-to-order, abschwatzen a lady's bra.
Was precisely this precarious point in K. revoked for five clock in the morning: "As I had drunk enough courage to approach a woman." What he knew he had chosen a female police officer in civilian clothes, with their colleagues from the old guard was on the way home.
According to the indictment Lukas K. stumbling toward 26-year-old, she wanted begrapschen. Turning to his friends, he should have lisped: "Let f be a blonde ..." He himself denies this. In any case, the colleague responded to an exemplary police officer and stood before the woman. Then came the scuffle. Two officers were beaten by the horde of bachelors to the ground. The policewoman had to insert a punch.
K. Luke was clearly identified on the film from the surveillance camera at Bolker star - and therefore doomed: He has to pay 1,500 euro fine to a police association and a total of 2,200 euros for pain and suffering to the officials. Since his accomplices were all dressed alike, they remained undetected and were not prosecuted.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hedlund: personality test for the eagles

Dusseldorf - "Since we have never won, since they play in the SAP arena. But I'm very confident that the team will deliver a strong game, because everyone knows perfectly well that you need a very good performance if you want to win in Mannheim, MetroStars Manager Lance Nethery said before the book hit the Favorites ( 14.30 clock). "This is personally the best troops occupied the league."
The Düsseldorf are eager to confirm their sensational run. "We have now won eight in a row: It's very clear that we absolutely need to add before the break. We can not even relax after, "said defender Korbinian Holzer.
The Defensivabteilung is required, the Mannheim have high individual quality in the "Department of attack". And there must be a strong hinlangen, the coming season, the league-Croesus goes: Andy Hedlund. The duel with the eagles will be on the defensive heroes to the character test, because the American has long been in agreement with the Kurpfälzer over a two-year contract, for the 30-year-old third more than cashed in Dusseldorf.
"We only have a short career. Sure, the sporting perspective must be right, which is also here with the MetroStars the case. But we must also realize that we want in the time where we deserve to play as professionals, as much money as possible, "says Hedlund klar.Als cheaters or legionnaire the powerhouse (1.86 meters, 89 kilos) but can not stand: "I am an athlete and got a lot of ambition. I will give for the DEG to the end of everything promised! "
What managers Nethery but still brings in a nice mess. Finally, it must be re-occupied the position for the next season. Nethery was angry ever thought about Hedlund, who in 2006 had already signed a contract, but then canceled via e-mail. Must now look to the 50-year-old substitute again, said loose: "I'll get even one who has similar qualities." Has already happened. With Ingolstadt Jason Holland (1.90 meters, 98 kilograms), which even has a German passport is Nethery had already become fact looking for.
Hedlund is still there - and is aiming on Sunday with his series of winners in the future employer, "all nine".

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Give no further gas price cuts

Saarbruecken - This smells like rip off! Although oil prices are extremely reduced to give the gas according to one study, only about half of the möglichenPreissenkungen on to consumers.
For an average household would result from unjustified extra costs of 150 euros.
To this end einwissenschaftliches advice comes in the Order derGrünen Parliamentary Group, on the "Saarbrücken Zeitung" reported.
   For the second quarter of 2009, the utility had announced einendurchschnittlichen discount of twelve percent compared zumvierten quarter last year. But: This corresponds Nurden half of the potential price reduction, says inder study.
For the gas, the mean erstenHalbjahr alone in 2009, an additional proceeds from a few hundred million euros.
ZurJahresmitte keep the study authors further price cut umetwa 15 percent versus the second quarter to be appropriate. Fallses however, remain with the current pricing policy would add up derungerechtfertigte additional proceeds of the gas supplier for the entire year Undergoing 1.6 billion euros.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Helmes in the starting XI

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Dusseldorf - In the West, something new! Side by side stormed Miroslav Klose and Patrick Helmes. Lukas Podolski meanwhile, tries to make the left of midfield pressure.
Still, these are "only" scenes from the training of the German national team in Dusseldorf. But national coach Joachim Loew will not let something so rehearsed when the constellation would be absurd.
Patrick Helmes - could be on Saturday, beating his great moment. The Bayer striker stands before his eighth match - and this is the first time from the start.
So far, the 24-year-old was only in September 2007 in a German starting lineup - and this was in a friendly against Romania in his long footballing home in Cologne.
In public, Loew raves Bayer striker, who is in impressive form for weeks and has scored seven goals in seven league games.
"He is bubbling with joy of playing and is always playing with fire." And what is at the 1 FC Cologne so happy not to hear is: "One senses that Patrick has benefited by the change. He flourishes. "
It also provides a native of Cologne, said: "In the Bundesliga, it is currently running very well for me. I hope that I will now turn in the national team to use and make my goals. "
This may be the case as early as Saturday. "Patrick plays a major role in my thoughts for the coming months but also in perspective in the coming years," the coach puts on helmet, which, unlike many competitors who had already reached its limit of, nor about "incredible potential" possession.
Loew's prophecy: "Patrick will make this season a lot of goals."

Monday, April 5, 2010

Abraham is no longer champion

Hamburg - professional boxer Arthur Abraham gives his belt as a world champion back in the IBF middleweight.
The champion from Berlin rises to the next super middleweight champion and will be there too. Abraham traveled, according to the Berlin Sauerland Stalls on Friday in the United States to deliver in person his belt IBF President Marian Muhammad.
The native Armenians with German citizenship has conquered in 2005, calculated risk-title ten times in total defense successfully.
"The time is now ripe for new challenges," said the 29-year-old. "It has really made a lot of fun, boxing in the middleweight, but as yet neither Felix Sturm Kelly Pavlik wanted to compete against me, I have set myself new goals. I will also be the best at super middleweight boxer in the world and look forward to many great battles. "
Abraham is undefeated in its previous total of 30 professional fights. Soon he will compete in a tournament with five of the world's best super middleweight WBC, WBA and of associations. The event will stretch over a half years. The final battle of the doped with 36 million euro event is scheduled for spring 2011.
Abraham is at the start of the tournament series on the 10th October in Berlin against the former triple world champion Jermain Taylor auis take the United States. On Monday, the parties intend to present boxers, promoters and television broadcasters spectacular plan in New York. On Wednesday, the entourage will introduce in Berlin.