Thursday, April 15, 2010

Give no further gas price cuts

Saarbruecken - This smells like rip off! Although oil prices are extremely reduced to give the gas according to one study, only about half of the möglichenPreissenkungen on to consumers.
For an average household would result from unjustified extra costs of 150 euros.
To this end einwissenschaftliches advice comes in the Order derGrünen Parliamentary Group, on the "Saarbrücken Zeitung" reported.
   For the second quarter of 2009, the utility had announced einendurchschnittlichen discount of twelve percent compared zumvierten quarter last year. But: This corresponds Nurden half of the potential price reduction, says inder study.
For the gas, the mean erstenHalbjahr alone in 2009, an additional proceeds from a few hundred million euros.
ZurJahresmitte keep the study authors further price cut umetwa 15 percent versus the second quarter to be appropriate. Fallses however, remain with the current pricing policy would add up derungerechtfertigte additional proceeds of the gas supplier for the entire year Undergoing 1.6 billion euros.