Thursday, May 27, 2010

"I did not want to kill her, chop off her hand"

Hamburg - divorce drama in the middle of Hamburg. On 20 August 2008 stormed the truck driver Hanefi K. (45) in the hair salon his ex-wife Sevda Y. (39), hacked into her hand. Now he is because of "attempted manslaughter" in court.
In his hand he held at that time an ax. After a bitter dispute (he showed her wedding pictures and cursed them), he grabbed her arm and hacked to - and he nearly broke off her thumb.
Now, he claimed, according to the Hamburger Morgenpost newspaper: "I swear to God, I wanted to kill them not only make incapacitated". He sees himself aloud "Mopo as exploited victims. He stated Sevda K. had him only married to get German citizenship.
"I have paid her first divorce, paid their debts, even my savings agreement, I have resolved on their holidays," said K.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Despite kicking my coolest Casting

Cologne -
Palladium Cologne, large bustle. Heidi Klum is looking for "Germany's Next Top Model". And I am right in the middle of course! That was far from my first appearance in a casting show. But the 16th! But this show is the best - and this was my coolest casting. Why? Therefore:
Coolest Casting!
Next »
Because Heidi is always more beautiful than all the candidates:
    I have seen no less than 2000 participants only one that could compete in terms of model fit with Heidi Klum. No, this presence, not this broadcast - and not so fiercely looks good. I found the candidates in total, all pretty boring. But Heidi was awesome as always!
Because I know now what I should do, not before the jury:
    I tried this time with cheeky slogans to convince Heidi & Co.. No result. But the "Tessa" tactic does not always occur. Unfortunately, the jury was not served on 'nen exchange of blows. I was even praised - and I'm kicked out for it.
Because I have seen the successful casting of the future candidates:
    So many tremulous, naive young girl like this casting of "Germany's Next Top Model"'s never been there before. All pretty, with nice face and minimize their own opinion. The then yes you can still grow in the course of the show. Depending on the role ...
Because I know now:
    The later the hour, the better the score - but the jury of casting shows, do not act accordingly. Namely, I was called until the very late before Heidi, and Kristian Q. To 21 clock. What unfortunately not used.
Because there I met many celebrities:
    Only two examples! Olli Pocher strayed constantly around me, his team even filmed me. Even better model praised my father Gunther Klum charisma. If an idea has, then surely he. For that alone was worth my participation. The Ringer, girls!
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Heidi, take me!
Anna (23) attempts at each casting's
Soul Strip for five minutes of fame

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sizzling on hot coals as

18 degrees in the shade! The sun opens the season and we eagerly as on hot coals. Throw on the grill at last!
While the sausage sizzle and the steak braise, gathered my (in every sense) to the huge clique Rheinwiesen.
An illustrious team of experts that discussed for the X-Scouts the grill trends of the year.
From disposable to stainless steel, of bloody "T-Bone" to vegetable skewers - we will track for the smoke from the grill! Just click in the info box.
Also of Interest
Beach or meadow
T-bone steak or Bratrolle?
Lore or Mädchenofen?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

In Bonn, the real lie Schiller

Bonn / Weimar - The mystery surrounding the authenticity of the Weimar Schiller bones, including skulls and lock of hair is dissolved. The sophisticated DNA tests showed that they do not come from Schiller.
However, the investigation concerning the authenticity of the remains of Schiller's wife and her son have left no serious doubt. In the grave in the Old Cemetery, near the tombs of Beethoven's mother, rest for two real Schiller.
Anthropologist Professor Ursula Wittwer-Backofen of the University of Freiburg and colleagues had Schiller's grave on 19 July last year opened (EXPRESS reported). The bones were found there of Charlotte von Schiller, and her second oldest son, Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm Schiller, were exhumed. The scientists took samples of the remains of DNA samples.
The exhumation was part of an international scientific project should be clarified with the whether the mortal remains can be attributed to Schiller, is currently assigned to doubt him.
Especially the investigation was assigned to Bonn for the final demonstration a key position.
Charlotte Schiller, Friedrich's wife, came to Bonn, where she was looking at the well-known ophthalmologist Professor Walther alleviation of years of eye trouble. Together with her daughter Emily, she lived in the Bonn Prince Street, right at the Electoral Palace, now the university. She died in Bonn on 9 July 1826.
Their son, Ernst von Schiller also lived in Bonn, where he died on 29 May 1841.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The night of the clear words

Cologne - On Friday afternoon, the mood on Geißbockheim fluctuated between sadness and normality. In drizzle, the FC gave some of the pros, only about 50 fans a few autographs and then disappeared without a word from the plant.
The previous evening, the mood was still explosive. Nearly 200 fans chanted insults in the direction of Cologne player. The climbers had failed at 1:2 at Osnabrueck (EXPRESS reported) - unfortunately not the first time "We are Cologne - and you do not" or "Your destroys the club," roared the disappointed supporters.
FC veteran Matthias Scherz (35) showed on Friday understanding of the fan reactions after the fourth season, broke: "It is understandable that the fans show their displeasure. Take long trips on to pay expensive ticket prices. "The night before, he was the one who had set himself the angry supporters and discussed with them. Keywords: identification with the FC.
For lack of identification is a core problem of the association for years: Not every player is clearly with the heart of the matter and the association. No wonder, after changing the end kick and senior staff at FC in the not to be unparalleled degree.
Also this season there was again a huge turnover. Seven players were eleven left the bloated squad. And once again, the fragile structure, which is to call men, far removed from one unit.
"The important thing is that everybody breaks for the club," demands a joke. The reasons for the failure can not and will not mention by name the attacker: "I can not go into it. We need to talk about it internally. "
Top Scorers Milivoje Novakovic did this the night before not. The Slovene denounced publicly in front of the TV camera: "We never play to zero and have no real balls as a striker." His team had lost against a team with a powerful fighting "regional league level."
Osnabrück is intermediate,) has a better Regionalliga-budget (7.2 million euros. But the FC struggled from the first minute. The Cologne-based team of highly paid had the most minimal of requirements, dedication and passion, long missed. And was punished for it again.